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Ok, so this is nothing to do with Kilimanjaro. But the annual trip to Corolla, NC was awesome like usual. Weather was great. I got in a few mad-dogs-and-Englishmen runs in the middle of the day for training, and tried out my new Mojito muddler in the evenings. Made octodogs for lunch the last day and the context was the Democratic debates (see last picture). Can you pick out John, Hillary and Barak? Yeah, it’s a little obscure. You don’t know what octodogs are???

I keep buying things for Africa. When will it stop? I keep pestering Carol with stupid questions. She is good natured and helpful! Can’t wait to start.


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  • Tricia

    *Snort* A joke about the Democratic party candidates and weenies comes to mind. 🙂

    The vacation looks idyllic. You have a beautiful family. Bet you’ll be thinking back to those sun-warmed beaches when we’re freezing it off huddled in tents at night on the side of this big ol’ mountain!

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