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Seats: left side of the plane

Just made my seat reservations today. I’m on KLM from Washington DC to Amsterdam 1 Sept and then Amsterdam to JRO. They only let you choose seats 90 days in advance and that was four days ago. I tried for a couple of consecutive days on the website but it didn’t give me a link to be able to choose seats. Called Northwest Sunday, they tried, and said the link to KLM was down. Tried online again today, didn’t see the link, called Northwest, and they again said the link was down. That was starting to sound fishy so I called the UK number and got a seat. Flying into JRO the mountain is on the left and so I got a seat on the left side of the plane. Is it dark that time of year when we fly in? Oh well, it might not matter. There weren’t many remaining on the aisle or window on that side so you might want to get a seat if you don’t have one already. Hope you’ll have better luck with NWA than I did. Jon

2 comments to Seats: left side of the plane

  • RickBrown

    A good suggestion. I just tried to gt a seat on line through both the Northwest and KLM sites. The Northwest site said seal selection from AMS to JRO was no available. KLM said a seat on that leg has already been selected for me, presumably by their software. Looks like I’ll have to make some calls.

    With regard to darkness, I think that we’ll find that days and nights near the equator are pretty close to twelve hours long. That’s why on a Swahili clock the first hour of the day is what we call 7:00 a.m. They call it 1:00 (saa moja– hour one). If your interested in the intricacies of telling time in Swahili check out the Kamusi project web site,www.yale.edu/swahili/.- Rick

  • Jon

    Great clock, Rick.

    As for seats I’ve managed to get them but it’s clear that KLM and Northwest aren’t well connected. Maybe you’ve figured it out but I don’t think you can go online through the NWA site and choose or change seats on a KLM flight even though that function is supposed to be there. One of my calls to KLM in Europe happened to be at the end of our day so it was correspondingly late over there. The guy that answered seemed peeved that I’d called ‘in the middle of the night’ and even though he was working my issue wasn’t an emergency and he told me to call back during the day. It’s all worked out now, though.

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